Solutions OP Clinical Trials UK

by Olga Peycheva

This podcast is dedicated to clinical trials and clinical research. We will be discussing different hot topics and analysis of the latest developments in clinical trials in pharmaceutical and medical devices industries.

Podcast episodes

  • Clinical Trials Diversity Plans

    Clinical Trials Diversity Plans

    This episode is dedicated to clinical trials diversity plans. It discusses what are the current regulations in the USA and Europe, why do we need diversity plans and some recommendations how to improve diversity in clinical trials.

  • Does Your Study Need A Rescue?

    Does Your Study Need A Rescue?

    Sometimes clinical trials go wrong for various reasons and they need a study rescue. The study rescue requires experienced team who can step in and help bring back the clinical trial to compliance. In this episode you can learn what are the common issues with the clinical trials that end up needing rescue and some practical advices on how to avoid these issues.

  • Digital Therapeutics Trends And Expectations

    Digital Therapeutics Trends And Expectations

    The latest episode is about digital therapeutics and what can we expect from them in the future. There is also a discussion on the latest report from MHRA on mental health digital therapeutics and the feedback from users and specialists.

  • How Biosecurity Regulations Could Affect Clinical Research?

    How Biosecurity Regulations Could Affect Clinical Research?

    This episode is an analysis of the changing genomic data regulations and some upcoming biosecurity regulations and how they could affect clinical research. It covers the following regions: China, USA, UK and the EU.

  • Clinical Trials: The UK Budget And Contracts Process

    Clinical Trials: The UK Budget And Contracts Process

    This episode is dedicated to the budget and contract process for clinical trials in the UK. The main topic is what is the current process, what works and what doesn't and how we can improve it.