
by Joanne L. Smikle, PhD

Joanne L. Smikle, PhD is a respected authority on leadership and organization development. She provides learning that helps you soar! Each episode prepares you to lead in our ever-evolving world. Subscribe today...content is updated all of the time! Get more relevant tools from The SmikleSpeaks YouTube Channel and the library at Contact Joanne for assistance with your individual and organizational development. ...   ...  Read more

Podcast episodes

  • Season 15

  • Healthy Competition

    Healthy Competition

    What is healthy competition? It’s an interaction that encourages everyone to reach their highest potential, to strive for even higher achievements. What’s interesting about healthy competition is that it creates a space where everyone is encouraged to bring their 'A' game. In the workplace it allows and encourages people to be their personal best and set stretch goals. I think it can actually improve collaboration. Healthy competition encourages innovation, new ideas, and different approaches. This podcast focuses on leadership tools that spark full engagement in a competitive environment..

  • Brain Matters, featuring Dr. David Dodick, Pt. 2

    Brain Matters, featuring Dr. David Dodick, Pt. 2

    Brain health is as important as heart health, mental health...all health. We continue exploring this important aspect of wellness with Dr. David Dodick, Chair of the Board of the American Brain Foundation.

  • Prioritizing Peace

    Prioritizing Peace

    The focus of this short podcast is prioritizing peace. How do people from totally different philosophical positions prioritize peace? Can they decide to stop warring about politics? Can they make conscious decisions to establish new ground rules for discussion? We cannot pretend that differences don't exist or that they aren't problematic in some relationships. We will explore tools for building bridges and prioritizing peace.

  • Brain Matters, Featuring Dr. Merit Cudkowicz, Part 1

    Brain Matters, Featuring Dr. Merit Cudkowicz, Part 1

    Dr. Merit Cudkowicz is the Chair of the Department of Neurology and Director of the Sean M. Healey & AMG Center for ALS at Massachusetts General Hospital and the Julieanne Dorn Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School in Boston. She is leading the first Platform Trial initiative in ALS and is also the Principal Investigator of the Clinical Coordination Center for the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke’s Neurology Network of Excellence in Clinical Trials (NeuroNEXT). Dr. Cudkowicz is my featured guest as we continue our exploration of Brain Matters.

  • Season 14

  • Boundary Setting

    Boundary Setting

    How’s life treating you? I hear so many people talk about being burned out, being exhausted, feeling depleted. I watch so many people over-extend themselves and it makes me sad. Life isn’t treating those folks so well. And it probably has something to do with their ability to establish and honor boundaries. This podcast is all about boundaries. My starting question is this: when is enough, enough? When do you know you’ve been pushed, pulled, guilted, or prodded too far?