Alexx Sans - On being an artist, androgynous, and authentic human being!

Speaking Up with Emily by Speaking Up with Emily

Episode notes

Alexx Sans is a musical artist, fashion designer, works in stone masonry, and shares his authentic self with the world! He identifies as androgynous and in this interview opens up about his journey of self-discovery and self-expression, including who his influences have been. We discuss gender, sexuality, Alex’s music and fashion careers, androgyny, the queer community, masculine and feminine energies, building a brand, being yourself, going after your goals, and self-love.

I am grateful to Alex for being vulnerable and willing to have a conversation about topics that can be difficult to talk about. I know I learned a lot from talking about androgyny, as well as other aspects of Alex’s life. Tune in for some inspiration!

mental healthlgbtqself expressionself lovebusinessartist