Seeking Help: A conversation about mental health and suicide prevention

Simply Authentic Podcast by Simply Authentic Podcast

Episode notes

September is National Suicide Prevention Month. With that in mind we wanted to bring you some insights about mental health from local professionals in the field. In this episode, we sit down with Dr. Georgina Ashlock, PhD with CoxHealth Psychological Services. Dr. Ashlock has been in the field of psychology for over 30 years and brings a wealth of knowledge on the subject of mental health. She has a diverse background having spent time at the Federal Medical Prison and now at CoxHealth as an in-patient specialist. In this episode we discuss a wide range of topics as Dr. Ashlock shares her insights on the stigma surrounding mental health, the barriers that prevent people from seeking help and practical steps for supporting those in need. We also discuss the critical signs to look for if you believe someone you love may be suicidal. Whether you're  ... 

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