
TPB - ShowTime Synergy - Jem and the Holograms - Issues #17-18 Ch-Ch-Changes

Showtime Synergy by GeekCast Radio Network, LLC

Episode notes
In the 70th Back Issue Classics The Pull Bag GETS TRULY OUTRAGEOUS! That's right in the latest Back Issue Classics TFG1Mike, Nicole BeatlesDiva HailStorm, and Aimee LadyWreck continue to be TRULY OUTRAGEOUS. These three Misfits will be reviewing the next two issues of IDW's Jem and the Holograms! So we talk issues 17-18. At the end of the show we go through the IDW solicits for Jem 19-21! This will be featured both on ShowTime Synergy and The Pull Bag!


Mike "TFG1" Blanchard

Aimee "LadyWreck" Morgan

Nicole "BeatlesDiva" Hale

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