RHETTY TO LIVE | Overcoming Depression, Anxiety, & Fear | Living Yes to Yes


Episode notes

Hey Rhetty Family! For this week’s episode, prepare your tissues and open your heart to what God is calling you to. I want to give a disclaimer, as I will be talking about depression and anxiety, but I will be encouraging you throughout this conversation. I’ve always been big on being transparent on my journey, as God has carried me through a lot. This is not one size fits all, and I am not saying that I have all the answers. But I can point you in the direction of someone who does, and His name is Jesus. One thing I can say is, you won’t always be in this place and I encourage you to seek God to identify the areas where you started giving God a “NO”. God has so much more in store for you, and you’ll see it more the more you are Rhetty to Live.

personal journal