This is Screening Noir: The Reboot

by Screening Noir

In what ways do media shape Blackness and Blackness shape media? Screening Noir (SN): The Podcast encourages media scholars and enthusiasts to play in the dark, taking seriously the cultural production, exhibition, reception, and distribution of the African Diaspora.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • The Materiality of a TV Shoot

    The Materiality of a TV Shoot

    Dr. Nate Kohn, award-winning producer and tenured professor, joins us to discuss the material realities of shooting a TV series from the script to the set. Screening Noir Podcast Episode 101 Host & Writer: Assatu Wisseh Producer: Assatu Wisseh Screening Noir Journal Referenced Texts: Mukherjee, Rahul. “Mediating Infrastructures: (Im)Mobile Toxicity and Cell Antenna Publics.” In Sustainable Media: Critical Approaches to Media and Environment, edited by Nicole Starosielski and Janet Walker. New York, NY: Routledge, 2016. Nanoglou, Stratos. “The Materiality of Representation: A Preface.” Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 16, no. 3 (September 1, 2009): 157–61. Somebodies (creator, Hadji Henry Hand, BET, 2008)