215 – The Blues : Ode To My All-Time Favorite Runner

Run For God: Run Club by Upward Sports

Episode notes

Have you ever hit that hard to reach goal only to find yourself asking, “What now?” We all have. Dean and Mitchell discuss a story about those circumstances. Then Dean shares about his favorite runner of all time. It’s not what you’d expect…

Great Weekend!

Post of the Week - Michelle Mitchell - Inadvertently running faster than the plan

Trivia answer from last week

Why your story matters, part 2 - Story of Mitchell’s dad story is podcast #44

Breaking records as many times as possible

Story of the Week - The Blues - Pam Bishop

Isaiah 41:10 - God wants to protect us

Psalms 40:1-3 - David’s testimony

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 - don’t just feel sorry for yourself - recognize who you are in Christ

Have you ever ignored a thorn in your side until it grew to a problem that other people started ... 

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