NPR CLAIMS DIETING IS RACIST... Exercise Science > Sales Leader

RobDiddy Podcast by Gainz Media Podcasts

Episode notes
If you've made a resolution to lose weight or "get fit" this year, you're in a very big boat.

In 2021, half of all New Year's resolutions in the U.S. were based on fitness and nearly half were based on weight loss. We spend over $30 billion on diet products annually and an estimated 45 million Americans diet every year. I (Andee) know I have, and if you're reading this, maybe you have, too.

There are an endless number of reasons why you might want to change your body — that holiday weight, your dating profile, medical issues, your new bathing suit — but the real culprit is usually diet culture.

Diet culture is that collective set of social expectations "telling us that there's one way to be and one way to look and one way to eat and that we are a better person, we're a more worthy pe ... 

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