Learn How To Live Free in Christ With William Wood

Revealing Jesus with Christina Perera by Christina Perera Ministries, Inc.

Episode notes

Through your new life in Christ Jesus, every day can be a day of victory. Don’t miss this life-changing conversion with William Wood, a Global Awakening Associate Evangelist and author of Every Day a Victory: Practical Weapons to Fight, Stand, and Live Free. Wood shares his personal testimony of encountering Jesus after a drug overdose and experienced radical physical and spiritual healing. Knowing your identity in Christ is paramount in standing in the armor of God and fighting against the enemy's lies with new covenant truth. We must apply the knowledge of God's Word to our lives and reject a works-based mentality. "You don't overcome those lies and false beliefs by trying to identify them. You overcome them by id ... 

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Victorious livingnew creationChristian lifechristian victoryChrist's Victoryidentity of christ