The piece of fatherly advice that changed everything for Francesca Jewellery founder Hannah Vasicek | Interviews

Ready or Not by Ready or Not & Witching Hour

Episode notes

Look, I know this exactly how I open my conversation with Francesca Jewellery founder Hannah Vasicek, but it's impossible for me to paint a picture of the vibrant person that she is in any other way.

When I first met Hannah at an event, she said that her mind is like a city. She said it's one of the reasons why she loves living in the quiet but creative Hobart, the city where she started small by selling her jewellery at the iconic Salamanca Markets.

Fast forward to today, and alongside her sister, she leads a team of 75. And at home, along with her husband, she leads a much smaller but arguably more demanding team of two children.

This is a really special episode, and there's so much to say about Hannah's journey in motherhood and career. She employs an incredible group of refugee women and is passionate about supporting the mi ... 

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