#38: Anya Alyzabeth - Mental Health, Advocacy and Hopes for Canada

Ramble with Intent by Lisa Szabon-Smith

Episode notes

Anya is a Growth Mindset Mentor for perimenopausal women with a psycho-spiritual approach based in the Canadian Rocky Mountains.

For years Anya was stuck in negative thought loops and functioned on autopilot until a devastating autoimmune condition made it necessary to take a really close look at how she was leading life.

She successfully trained her own mind to become the creator of the life she wants to lead and now helps perimenopausal women to thrive through perimenopause with a growth mindset so they can come out at the other end of this important transition feeling empowered and ready to create the life of their dreams: full of courage, a calm mind, a feeling of well-being, happy relationships, fulfilling careers, and more. it is her goal to make this accessible to anybody - to be able to tap into their own innate ability to cre ... 

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