Return to Reason

by Truman

Trying to bring reason and civility to an increasingly unreasonable and uncivilized world.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 2

  • 'Planning and Totalitarianism' | Revisiting The Road to Serfdom: Chapter 7 (Part 2)

    'Planning and Totalitarianism' | Revisiting The Road to Serfdom: Chapter 7 (Part 2)

    Here is Part 2 of Kevin and my 6th discussion over F.A. Hayek's 'The Road to Serfdom.' This video covers the second half of our discussion on Chapter 7: Planning and Totalitarianism. In this chapter, Hayek really begins to unpack the trajectory of Planning, hence the title. Here, Hayek expands on one way Planners begin to take over the whole of society, by seeking total control of one seemingly insignificant aspect of life- economics. Once planners are able to assert control over the means of production, they effectively gain control over *all* aspects of society, by determining the importance of every profession, product, and laborer, as they all are not filtered through the desires and goals of the Planner, rather than the individual citizen. This book is not only free on Audible for those with a subscription, but a PDF of the original version is available for free online, so please check those out if you get a chance. Check us out on locals and twitter:

  • 'Planning and Totalitarianism' | Revisiting The Road to Serfdom: Chapter 7 (Part 1)

    'Planning and Totalitarianism' | Revisiting The Road to Serfdom: Chapter 7 (Part 1)

    Here is Part 1 of Kevin and my 6th discussion over F.A. Hayek's 'The Road to Serfdom.' This video covers the first half of our discussion on Chapter 7: Planning and Totalitarianism. In this chapter, Hayek really begins to unpack the trajectory of Planning, hence the title. Here, Hayek expands on one way Planners begin to take over the whole of society, by seeking total control of one seemingly insignificant aspect of life- economics. Once planners are able to assert control over the means of production, they effectively gain control over *all* aspects of society, by determining the importance of every profession, product, and laborer, as they all are not filtered through the desires and goals of the Planner, rather than the individual citizen. This book is not only free on Audible for those with a subscription, but a PDF of the original version is available for free online, so please check those out if you get a chance. Check us out on locals and twitter:

  • 'Planning and The Rule of Law' | Revisiting The Road to Serfdom: Chapter 6 (Part 2)

    'Planning and The Rule of Law' | Revisiting The Road to Serfdom: Chapter 6 (Part 2)

    Here is Part 2 of @Eng_Politics and my 5th discussion over F.A. Hayek's 'The Road to Serfdom.' This video covers the first half of our discussion on Chapter 6: Planning and the Rule of Law. In this chapter, Hayek explains the 'Rule of Law' is one of the only bulwarks against totalitarianism, as it relies on objectivity and a broad understanding of societal rules. 'Planning' cannot coexist with objectivity, and therefore must abolish the Rule of Law. Hayek's prescience is once again demonstrated as he lays out the necessity of intentional discrimination in the Planner's misguided pursuit of a truly equal society. Hayek also discusses the fact that freedom leads to income inequality, but that the alternative is to use coercion to remove people's freedom, and create an equally miserable society under authoritarian Planning. This book is not only free on Audible for those with a subscription, but a PDF of the original version is available for free online, so please check those out if you get a chance. Check us out on locals and twitter:

  • 'Planning and The Rule of Law' | Revisiting The Road to Serfdom: Chapter 6 (Part 1)

    'Planning and The Rule of Law' | Revisiting The Road to Serfdom: Chapter 6 (Part 1)

    Here is Part 1 of my 5th conversation with Kevin over F.A. Hayek's 'The Road to Serfdom.' In the next two videos, we go over Chapter 6: Planning and The Rule of Law. As Chapter 3 discussed the incompatibility between Individualism and Collectivism, Chapter 5 discusses similar incompatibilities between Planning and Democracy. Hayek lays out this argument by demonstrating how impossible it is for those seeking to Plan a society to achieve true consensus. Hayek explains the methods Planners use to circumvent the lack of public consensus for their Plan, which range from delegating their Plan to unelected bureaucrats, to vaguely defining their Plan as pursuant to "The Common Good," or "The Common Welfare." Today's equivalent might be to claim something is a "Human Right," for example. In the absence of consensus, Planners will inevitably have to resort to all manner of coercion to achieve their utopian goals, ultimately leading to Despotism. This book is not only free on Audible for those with a subscription, but a PDF of the original version is available for free online, so please check those out if you get a chance. Check us out on locals and twitter:

  • 'Planning and Democracy' | Revisiting The Road to Serfdom: Chapter 5 (Part 2)

    'Planning and Democracy' | Revisiting The Road to Serfdom: Chapter 5 (Part 2)

    Here is Part 2 of my 4th conversation with Kevin over F.A. Hayek's 'The Road to Serfdom.' In this video we finish our discussion of Chapter 5: Planning and Democracy. As Chapter 3 discussed the incompatibility between Individualism and Collectivism, Chapter 5 discusses similar incompatibilities between Planning and Democracy. Hayek lays out this argument by demonstrating how impossible it is for those seeking to Plan a society to achieve true consensus. Hayek explains the methods Planners use to circumvent the lack of public consensus for their Plan, which range from delegating their Plan to unelected bureaucrats, to vaguely defining their Plan as pursuant to "The Common Good," or "The Common Welfare." Today's equivalent might be to claim something is a "Human Right," for example. In the absence of consensus, Planners will inevitably have to resort to all manner of coercion to achieve their utopian goals, ultimately leading to Despotism. This book is not only free on Audible for those with a subscription, but a PDF of the original version is available for free online, so please check those out if you get a chance. Check us out on locals and twitter: