Episode notes
After 25 years, 47 books, and at least 4 different genres, Miles Cameron (aka Christian Cameron) has seen and survived a lot in publishing. In addition to being an author, he is also a US Navy officer, trained historian, and martial artist. But when the thriller market changed and sky-high advances evaporated, Miles moved on to historical, fantasy, and even science fiction. Today, we talk about surviving the end of your writing career, and starting from scratch (but this time, on midlist hard-mode)--including specific, pragmatic advice from Miles for building brand, timing your marketing, and a few other things that under-supported authors can attempt on their own steam. And above all, the importance of loving what you do, however you do it. SHOW NOTES
  • Miles (Christian) Cameron, and his 25+ year journey through trad publishing
  • Started ... 
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