The Pro-Life Guy's Podcast

by Cam Côté

My name is Cam, I'm a guy who's passionate about ending the killing of pre-born children, and this is a podcast dedicated to giving you the tools you need to change minds and save lives from abortion. I work for a pro-life organization called the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform (CCBR), and together with my colleagues have reached millions of Canadians with the truth about abortion. Join me as I breakdown all the pro-c ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • 184: Should Pro-Lifers "Choice" Chain Pride Parades???

    184: Should Pro-Lifers "Choice" Chain Pride Parades???

    We may be through June, but many pro-lifers are asking the question as to what they should do (if anything) around pride parades happening in their town, city, or community. In today's episode, Cam talks through a number of important considerations you and your team should reflect upon before conducting activism at the same time as a pride parade, or any other large event which might attract a large crowd. For more PLG podcast content, go to: Thanks to everyone who helped the show role over 700 YouTube subscribers! If you haven't subscribed already, head over to: Contact Cam with ideas, suggestions, or feedback at

  • 183: How to Respond When Famous People Say Pro-Life Things!

    183: How to Respond When Famous People Say Pro-Life Things!

    Better late than never to react to Harrison Butker's commencement address at Benedictine College, and to think about how to respond when famous people say pro-life things. In today's episode, Cam talks through the importance of researching the pro-life statement (and who actually said it), how these media sparks can be used to start conversations about abortion, and how important it is to connect with these courageous men and women and thank them for the aspects of their statements we agree with and appreciate. Thank you so much for getting the PLG podcast SOOOOO close to 700 subscribers on YouTube and over 150,000 downloads on podcatchers, and if you haven't subscribed already, please do so at For mor PLG Podast content, go to To watch the full commencement address go to: To watch his follow up speech, go to: Contact Cam with ideas, questions, and suggestions at

  • 182: How to Talk to Pro-Lifers at Activism

    182: How to Talk to Pro-Lifers at Activism

    While many of us welcome the surprise of meeting someone who is already pro-life while doing activism, rarely do we know what to do once they tell us they are pro-life; so much so that we often just let these men and women walk away without even a follow up question! In today's episode, Cam talks through a simple approach to how to engage pro-lifers through the simple steps of: Affirmation Confirmation Motivation/education Activiation/mobilization Through these four steps, we're able to solidify the positions of those we talk to, while also recruiting new members to join our pro-life outreach. For more PLG podcast content, go to Check out the PLG podcast on social media as well as on YouTube, and don't forget to like and subscribe! Connect with Cam at with your ideas, questions, and comments!

  • 181: When the Mother's Life is in Danger

    181: When the Mother's Life is in Danger

    Pro-lifer advocates are often challenged with the question, "What about when the mother's life is in danger?", and regardless of whether this comes from a well-meaning pro-lifer struggling to come to terms with this crisis, or an abortion advocate using these scenarios as something of a Trojan horse, it is vital that pro-lifers respond with clarity and compassion. In today's episode, host Cam talks through how to navigate these conversations to help those we're speaking to appreciate that while medical intervention can absolutely be appropriate, the mechanical intentions of that intervention entirely dictates whether a particular procedure is appropriate. #prolifepodcast #prolife #prolifegeneration Check out the episode where Cam talked to Dr. Ryan Wilson from Canadian Physicians for Life Don't forget to like and subscribe, and please send Cam an email with ideas and suggestions at

  • 180: Why You Should Start by Addressing Their Justifications!

    180: Why You Should Start by Addressing Their Justifications!

    Pro-life ambassadors often ask me whether they should start their conversations by addressing the hard circumstances and other justifications surrounding pregnancy, or whether they should dive straight into talking about the humanity of pre-born children, and I really (really, really, really) think you should start by addressing the circumstances and justifications underlying their support of abortion, rather than starting with the humanity of pre-born children, central though it is to the abortion conversation. I'd love to hear what you think, if you disagree or agree, and what your experience has been talking with those around you about abortion. Check out the full "Roadmap for Effective Pro-Life Conversations" here: Don't forget to like and subscribe! #prolifepodcast #prolife #changemakers