Position of Neutrality: Embrace AA’s 12 Steps for True Recovery – Step by Step Guide

Position of Neutrality by Joe McDonald

Episode notes

He may rebel at the thought of a drastic house cleaning which requires discussion with other people. Do not contradict such views. Tell him that you once felt as he does but you doubt whether you’d have made much progress had you not taken action. On your first visit, tell him about the Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous. If he shows any interest, then lend him a copy of your book.

The Big Book shows that AA, CA, and other groups follow the original 12 steps. Adapt this manner of living to become a better fellow in any fellowship. Join us as we explore Step 12, where ‘Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.’

Tune in every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. Arizona time on our YouTube channel for more insights. Sub ... 

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