Position of Neutrality: Show How AA’s Spiritual Tools Transformed My Life – Step by Step Guide

Position of Neutrality by Joe McDonald

Episode notes

Let us warn you in advance though we’re liable to be perceived by you a little differently than other meetings of twelve-step fellowships you may have attended. The primary reason is that we intend for you to have a different experience here. What we do is take a look at the suggested instruction for a step or so a week directly out of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. The process described by the authors of this book has been proven to work for addicts of the hopeless variety, addicts to alcohol and other substances. ‘Faith without works is dead,’ and we must agree on certain things as fact or we don’t move forward.

You’ll be most successful with alcoholics if you do not exhibit any passion for crusade or reform. Never talk down to an alcoholic from a moral or spiritual hilltop; simply lay out the kit of spiritual tools for his  ... 

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