Episode notes

How many of you have had the experience of your thoughts actually working for you and things sort of went all right? How many of you have had the experience of you working for your thoughts and things didn’t go as well? ‘You’re not good enough. I bet he doesn’t like you. I bet they’re going to fire you anyway. Why go to work? You should stay home. You should just go get another bag. You’re ten dollars short on the rent—go get another hit. You’re going to need it when you’re homeless.’ You never work for that. Look, the decision is this: Either my mind is a tool so that I can be used, or I’m a tool. There’s no other two conditions. I’ve had people point that out—‘Joe, you’re a real tool.’ In this session, we explore the transformative power of Steps 10 and 11 from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, focusing on harnessing your thoughts and achie ... 

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recoveryaddictionbehavioral healthdrug abusealcohol abusedrugrehabilitationbig book12 stepbill wposition of neutrality ponjoe mcdonaldsubstance abuse