PiZetta Media: Podcast with a Cause

by Michael VanZetta

PiZetta Media CEO Michael VanZetta talks with people on the frontlines, nonprofit leaders, and mental health stories. Hear what amazing people are doing in communities nationwide.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 2

  • Mental Health Marketing Conference

    Mental Health Marketing Conference

    Steve Turney is the Owner & Executive Director of Mental Health Marketing Conference

  • Morgan Matthews of Connections Health Solutions

    Morgan Matthews of Connections Health Solutions

    Morgan Matthews, the Vice President of Business Development at Connections Health Solutions, talks about the progress Connections is making to revolutionize mental health care.

  • Shawn Rivers

    Shawn Rivers

    Meet health and nutrition coach Shawn Rivers

  • Michael Ayala White

    Michael Ayala White

    Michael Ayala White is a trauma informed certified coach

  • Jocelyn Bates

    Jocelyn Bates

    Jocelyn Bates is a Cultivator of Curiosity & Creativity in the Human Experiment, Soul Art Guide, Akashic Records Guide, Human Design Coach, Yoga Nidra Guide and EFT Practitioner.