Podcast episodes

  • Season 2

  • Battle of Writing A Children's Book

    Battle of Writing A Children's Book

    Who doesn't love an adorable children's book?! Well, "Welcome to Winterberry Grove" is just that! Linda, the author and in all sense of the term 'brainchild' of this book series, reached out to us to be interviewed and it turns out that her story, and the story of Clover the mouse, is one of a kind. Order your copy of "Welcome to Winterberry Grove" below! https://www.amazon.com/Welcome-Winterberry-Grove-Linda-Updyke/dp/196301300X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=27A1AYQEXM8B2&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.bBJMylh-mIgPtjzZZwuLGA.r4ykwxRrWAGB9QKmYAQA4C4ml0fI3WMherTqxOOtJmw&dib_tag=se&keywords=welcome+to+winterberry+grove&qid=1721251856&sprefix=welcome+to++grove%2Caps%2C111&sr=8-1

  • Battle of the Sh*t Kids Say


    Battle of the Sh*t Kids Say


    There’s always some level of unpredictability that comes with raising a toddler. The unknown of what the hell is going to come out of their mouth, is one of them. Have you ever been in a public place and your child says just about the most mortifying thing you can imagine? Yeah, us too! How do you handle it? Laugh, make it a learning moment, ignore it completely? Whatever your tactic may be- we’re right there with you…crossing our fingers and hoping our kids don’t say some embarrassing sh*t, too.

  • Battle of Pediatric Cancer


    Battle of Pediatric Cancer


    Grab you tissues friends... Although this episode is a tough one to talk about, it's an important one. Pediatric cancer is a parent's biggest fear. Getting a diagnosis like that can feel like your world is caving in, and our guests on this episode, Griffin and Britt Coxe, know that feeling all too well. Their daughter Perry (such a cute name by the way) was diagnosed with a Wilms tumor on her right kidney when she was almost 5 years old. Thankfully, Perry made it through 49 weeks of chemo and radiation to help her beat cancer, but we know not every family's story ends this way. Through their cancer journey, Griffin and Britt started the High Hopes non-profit that helps other families in need while going through cancer treatment. They even helped pay for a child's funeral which is of course something no one wants to do, but that is what the family needed. Please find it in your hearts to share their story and foundation so others in need can be helped. You can visit their website at: highhopesnonprofit.com and on Instagram and Facebook @HighHopesNonProfit

  • Battle of Being a Stay at Home Mom


    Battle of Being a Stay at Home Mom


    We hope everyone felt pampered on Mother’s Day! This episode we not only touch base on our Mother’s Day, but also Kaelas “newish” role as a Stay At Home Mom. All the good, bad and ugly! Don’t forget to subscribe on your preferred listening platform so you don’t miss any upcoming episodes.

  • Battle of Traveling with Toddlers


    Battle of Traveling with Toddlers


    Raise your hands if you have traveled with toddlers. Now raise your hands if it was fun and enjoyable. Anyone? No? Yeah, we didn't think so. In this episode, Kaela talks about her trip flying from Michigan to Florida to visit her brother and sister-in-law and Dayna recalls the work trip she took with Wyatt flying out to California. Buckle up...there will be some turbulence here!