Chapter 4

Peaceful Parenting by Stefan Molyneux, MA

Episode notes


Peaceful Parenting: What Is It?The strangest thing about peaceful parenting is that it is nothing other than what we all accept and practice in the vast majority of our daily lives.Peaceful parenting is nothing alien or foreign or revolutionary or contradictory.Peaceful parenting is exactly what you teach your children – how you live your life – what you praise and want and prefer in almost everything you do.Is this incomprehensible to you?Let’s look at the larger picture. The historical picture, if you like.Peaceful parenting is the greatest moral revolution in the history of the world.It is the greatest progress that can be imagined.It both falls in line with – and extends – all prior moral progress.What do I mean?Well – science, technology and morality all progress when exceptions are eliminated.T ... 

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