
by Mark William Ennis

Pastor Mark is a Christian Pastor, author, blogger, and sometimes background actor. He brings all of his years of life experience to ask spiritual questions about the ordinary events of life.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 3

  • God’s Preaching Plan

    God’s Preaching Plan

    I expected to not be preaching during this summer, but God had other ideas.

  • Walking toward where?

    Walking toward where?

    Pastor Mark describes walking with his Grandsons and the trust they have in him and uses this as an example of walking with, and trusting, God.

  • A Parable of Christian Gracelessness

    A Parable of Christian Gracelessness

    A friend of mine recently retired from ministry. This is his parable of the gracelessness that he discovered from Christian folks

  • Farewell But Leaving a Legacy

    Farewell But Leaving a Legacy

    I've left parish ministry but I've left a good legacy.

  • One Hundred Years of Ministry

    One Hundred Years of Ministry

    Celebrating 100 years of ministry at Clinton Avenue Reformed Church in Bergenfield