"If they can do it, why can't we?" Pacific Islander Women in Business, Part 1

Our Women, Our Stories by Moale James

Episode notes

In this podcast episode of Our Women, Our Stories, I share space with Lauren Chan (Lauren's Littlies), Phoebe Preuss (Living Koko) and Teleise Neemia (Uniquely Pacific). In this episode we explore each womans business - the gaps it fills, the purpose for starting the business and where they see their business growing in the future.

Despite being separated by state borders we discover that some of the issues being experienced by one businesswoman can be the same - feelings of imposter syndrome; knowing how to value their products and their work; the battle between practicing culture and then turning culture into business.

These women spoke honestly about the advice they would give their younger-selves and for the emerging business owner. The main takeaway - be kind to yourself.

These women are also changing regular business pract ... 

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our women our storiespacific islanderbusiness