Talk 73: On the Upbringing of Children According to Saints Paisios and Porphyrios - Part 4

Orthodox Talks by Priestmonk Kosmas

Episode notes

It is becoming increasingly common for Orthodox clergymen to send believers with mental health issues, including children, to psychiatrists and psychologists for treatment. Moreover, many clergymen study and use psychology to help those with spiritual or mental health problems. As a result, many are left without healing because Divine Grace has been replaced by the human art of psychology.

In this talk Father Kosmas uses the teachings of the contemporary elders Saints Paisios and Porphyrios to explain how children are not only influenced by seeing the good and bad examples of their parents (something psychology agrees with), but also by the spiritual state of their parents (something psychology cannot comprehend and rejects). Father Kosmas emphasizes that parents can spiritually transmit to their children either their passions and sins or ... 

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salvationchildhood traumasaint paisiossaint porphyriosupbringing of childrenspiritual developmentpsychology