One Foot in Both Worlds - Keeping It Real with Tania and Nette - Intro by Tania and Nette

Episode notes

In this podcast spirit prompted Tania and Nette talk about #victimmentality. Tania and Nette both shared their anecdotes to staying away from a space where a person can feel they are a victim to their lives. Spirit wanted to get the point across that there is absolutely a space to feel all the feels when tragedy happens; however, they stress that staying in the space of being a victim to your life will not lead to alignment. Nette shared that this is a tricky place for a person to be in, as when they are in victim mentality, they are likely not aware of it. A key point to watch fo ... 

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psychicspiritualitypodcastmediumintuitionmessagerelationshipmindmental healthwellbeingchangechoiceblamevictim