One Foot in Both Worlds - Keeping It Real with Tania and Nette - Intro

by Tania and Nette

A podcast, that takes you on a journey as two strangers, Tania and Nette, discuss balancing their lives as mediums / psychics / intuitive healers with their everyday logical life. Meeting in a circle via Zoom, Tania, a police officer from Canada and Nette, an interior designer from Australia quickly realized they were meant for more. Tania and Nette have similar beliefs about balancing everyday life and the spiritual world a ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • Season 3

  • SERIES 3 - #LISTENTOHEAR - mini series

    SERIES 3 - #LISTENTOHEAR - mini series

    In this podcast the #wordfromspirit is #listentohear. Spirit wanted to get the message across that we need to be listening to the people around us and also listening to behaviours for information. Listening to hear is about not just listening with your ears, but listening to hear the message. Tania and Nette both shared experiences of not being heard and also of their own difficulties with listening as we both love to interrupt! We look forward to you tuning in to listen….to hear.

  • SERIES 3 - #VICTIMMENTALITY - mini series

    SERIES 3 - #VICTIMMENTALITY - mini series

    In this podcast spirit prompted Tania and Nette talk about #victimmentality. Tania and Nette both shared their anecdotes to staying away from a space where a person can feel they are a victim to their lives. Spirit wanted to get the point across that there is absolutely a space to feel all the feels when tragedy happens; however, they stress that staying in the space of being a victim to your life will not lead to alignment. Nette shared that this is a tricky place for a person to be in, as when they are in victim mentality, they are likely not aware of it. A key point to watch for is when you think life is against you. This if of course part of the balance of allowing assistance and help when you need it. Tune into hear more!

  • SERIES 3 - #BLAMEGAME - mini series

    SERIES 3 - #BLAMEGAME - mini series

    #blamegame In this podcast the spirit word is #blamegame. Tania and Nette talked about how when trying to make changes in your life, it is not helpful to blame others for your circumstance or equally to blame yourself. Spirit shared that this is a call to look within and own your part in the situation and as well to reflect on how you got there by taking personal responsibility for it. Nette and Tania discussed that this topic was spoken on a surface level and is not to be placed on a more serious situation where, as in policing, there can be a clear victim and perpetrator. As always there is no black and white answer for these anecdotes to be placed on every situation but points to reflect on.

  • SERIES 3 - #VALUES - mini series

    SERIES 3 - #VALUES - mini series

    In this podcast Tania received the hashtag word which was #values. Nette talked about values being an over used buzz word in the corporate world for organizations but definitely sees the value (see what I did there) in knowing your personal values. Spirit explained personal values to be the “North Star” of your experience to always lead you where you are meant to be. A values exercise will be posted to the Facebook page for One Foot in Both Worlds. Enjoy!

  • SERIES 3 - #ANSWERSHOPPING - mini series

    SERIES 3 - #ANSWERSHOPPING - mini series

    Spirit has shared that series 3 will be a few word topics shared by them for discussion. In this podcast Tania and Nette talk about #answershopping. Tania has a plethora of stories where she spent plenty of time asking spirit for answers as opposed to trusting herself and her own decisions. Nette shares a story of the frustration when giving a reading and only receiving snippets of information as opposed to the full answer. Throughout the podcast Nette and Tania share a lot of laughs and listeners will undoubtedly do the same. #answers #answershopping