A Rich Worldview

by Dr. Rich Blundell

A Rich worldview is the belief that there is a creative life-force operating in the universe and, therefore, in all of us. A Rich Worldview podcast is an experiment to improve our existence through abundance leadership.

Dr. Rich Blundell is a neurodivergent scientist and cultural communicator and founder of Oika who has spent his life studying -  ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • A Rich Worldview Intro


    A Rich Worldview Intro


    I woke up resolved to try a new approach - a podcast, or something - compiling field observations, voice memos, conversations, analysis of frustrations, epiphanies, and whatever else that needs to be transmitted. So I recorded a little intro while just sitting here in my truck. Description: This new show is an experiment to improve your existence through abundance leadership. I believe there is a creative life-force operating in the universe, and in you. The intel and wisdom I’ll provide here has been communicated to me directly from nature during my life on this amazing little planet. Everything I will relay to you is the Earth’s way of believing in us humans. She wants us to succeed and I want you to. So this is a leadership podcast. I’m going to share with you the mental, emotional and relational competencies essential for the leaders of the prosperous future that we deserve. Together, we will peacefully take back the culture and the power structures that have been hijacked by small-minded, egoic and self-destructive dynamics. When you understand and feel nature like I do, as the creative life-force of the universe and live in right-relationship with it, you discover what feels good, IS good. That right-relation is what I’m here to reveal to you. I believe the future is beautiful… or there isn’t one. So let’s get to it! I’m Rich Blundell, Welcome to a Rich Worldview…

  • Ecological Intelligence and the convergence of Science and Spirituality With Rich Blundell - Voices with Vervaeke

    Ecological Intelligence and the convergence of Science and Spirituality With Rich Blundell - Voices with Vervaeke

    Rich Blundell on Voices with Vervaeke March 20, 2022 https://youtu.be/Cfbqaj5Gxyo

  • Deeper into ecological intelligence with Rich Blundell - Voices with Vervaeke 2

    Deeper into ecological intelligence with Rich Blundell - Voices with Vervaeke 2

    Deeper into ecological intelligence with Rich Blundell - Voices with Vervaeke April 10, 2022

  • Giving nature a seat at the table w/ Rich Blundell - Voices with Vervaeke 3

    Giving nature a seat at the table w/ Rich Blundell - Voices with Vervaeke 3

    Giving nature a seat at the table w/ Rich Blundell - Voices with Vervaeke July 8, 2022

  • UTOKing with Rich Blundell Cultivating Ecological Intelligence

    UTOKing with Rich Blundell Cultivating Ecological Intelligence

    UTOKing with Rich Blundell Cultivating Ecological Intelligence June 20, 2022 Gregg welcomes Rich Blundell. Rich is a theorist and activist who promotes the philosophy of “Oika,” which is the relational intelligence of nature expressed through human thought and action. Rich’s life purpose is to promote a culture of Oika, which he believes will heal people and the planet and orient us toward a beautiful future. In this episode, Rich shares his narrative and his experiences with loving nature and how that emerged and blended with his training in Big History to generate his current philosophy and work with artists. In this episode, in addition to sharing his perspective, he asks Gregg about how UTOK transcends the Enlightenment Gap and gives us a new map of Big History that can align with a philosophy of ecological intelligence.