
by The Appreciation Program and 43NORTH Studio

We've created a podcast that straddles the line between the creative and health & wellness communities to spotlight the similar conversations we saw happening in both circles. It's a platform; for storytelling, exploration and learning for anyone who wants to grow, reflect and take advantage of the offszn.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Self Sabotage


    Self Sabotage


    In the final episode of season one, we tie together all the themes we’ve talked about in previous episodes as we explore self-sabotage. We’re all guilty of it, and a lot of the time we don’t even know we’re doing it, so why is it so easy to get in our own way? We talk about the things we each do to self sabotage and how we’re working to get better at it. Let’s get to work.

  • Triggers


    In today’s episode, we talk about triggers. Triggers are everywhere; and as we explore in this conversation, the way we respond can be influenced by our mood, environment or our state of mind. While triggers don’t ever go away, the work we do to understand why we feel triggered and the true source of the pain can help us deal with them in a healthy way. Let’s get to work.

  • Habits, Priorities and Values

    Habits, Priorities and Values

    In today’s episode, we talk the relationship between habits, priorities and values. As the city started to open up, the three of us were curious about the habits we formed during lockdown, how to stay on track with endless distractions at our disposal, and how our values and priorities ultimately determine the habits we keep and the ones we don’t. Let’s get to work.

  • Escapism


    In this episode we talk about escapism, whether it's physically leaving a place or a mental diversion, each of us has had to learn through our own experiences, there's no distance big enough or distraction strong enough to avoid facing life. The truth is, we bring ourselves with us wherever we go. So taking time to sit in the discomfort is what this conversation is all about.

  • How We Give and Receive Love

    How We Give and Receive Love

    In this episode we explore the concepts of giving and receiving love and the role that love languages play in both scenarios. Each of our experiences in love made this an honest and reflective conversation that we hope helps you think about the roles different kinds of love play in your life.