Optimize All The Things

by Bartłomiej Płotka & Ivan Valkov

Welcome to OAT!

Join us to discuss ideas and tools that make our software and development processes faster, more efficient, and healthy! We talk about performance improvements and valuable optimizations to software development processes like testing, debugging, running in production, open-sourcing or collaborating. Learn from experts how they improved their products, engineering processes or life habi ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • Optimizing SW Adoption & Maintenance: API Compatibility Guarantees with Björn Rabenstein

    Optimizing SW Adoption & Maintenance: API Compatibility Guarantees with Björn Rabenstein

    Today we have a very special guest, Björn Rabenstein, ultra experienced engineer, long time Prometheus maintainer. In this episode we touch on the topic of versioning and backward or forward compatibility of software APIs and interfaces. Learn how to make your code nice for others or use versioned components effectively for yourself. We discuss semver, and why you also seen many projects, escaping this model with lifetime version of v0. The main topic starts at 18m35s. References: No lens camera: https://futurism.com/the-byte/camera-no-lens-location-ai Crab: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36122270 Paying for GH stars: https://the-guild.dev/blog/judging-open-source-by-github-stars?utm_source=unknownews Stack Overflow seeing lower traffic: https://www.similarweb.com/blog/insights/ai-news/stack-overflow-chatgpt/?utm_source=unknownews Nvidia passes 1 trillion $ of evaluation: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/may/30/nvidia-chipmaker-value-ai-chip-shares-artificial-intelligence Beautifully edited by amazing Yanitsa Spassova! As always, feedback and questions are welcomed! You can use this form - https://forms.gle/NmUGeqMtyP6H6mMP9

  • Optimizing Productivity with Mindfulness, Self-Compassion & Motivation

    Optimizing Productivity with Mindfulness, Self-Compassion & Motivation

    In this episode we discuss an important topic of productivity in our live and work. We explore often forgotten topic of motivation for our work, self-compassion, energy balance to tackle tedious tasks and healthy habits for software development, meetings and more! We also touch on the topic of social media use. References: Amazon Prime moving out of AWS Lambda: https://www.primevideotech.com/video-streaming/scaling-up-the-prime-video-audio-video-monitoring-service-and-reducing-costs-by-90 Leaked memo, AI alone is not a moat: https://www.semianalysis.com/p/google-we-have-no-moat-and-neither Epic, inspiring episode about embracing death (Limitless): https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11714334/ Atomic Habits Book: https://jamesclear.com/atomic-habits Rollup Meeting Notes Template: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AHgEyaNdI0YQgPnxDqF1BD1K8b-VJzFOgBAoS4IhSJo/edit Beautifully edited by amazing Yanitsa Spassova! As always, feedback and questions are welcomed! You can use this form - https://forms.gle/NmUGeqMtyP6H6mMP9

  • Optimizing Freedom as a Digital Nomad with Becky Pauley

    Optimizing Freedom as a Digital Nomad with Becky Pauley

    Working from a tent, prioritizing your electricity between your monitor or cooking dinner, canal boat life, and more. These are some of the things we talked about with Becky Pauley at KubeCon Europe 2023. This episode covers all the great things about the digital nomad lifestyle, but also dives into some of the challenges. Join us for the interesting story and stay for the helpful tips. As always, before the main part we cover some of the news that got our attention in the previous weeks.References: Our amazing guest, Becky Pauley: https://twitter.com/BeckyPauley Reddit's API going paid: https://www.theverge.com/2023/4/18/23688463/reddit-developer-api-terms-change-monetization-ai Reddit's Apollo reader thread on effects of pricing change: https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/12srosz/reddit_api_going_paid_what_are_the_changes_we/ A Completely Non-Technical Explanation of AI and Deep Learning: https://www.parand.com/a-completely-non-technical-explanation-of-ai.html YC Winter 2023 Batch summary: https://www.ycombinator.com/blog/meet-the-yc-winter-2023-batch Another columnar DB: XTDB 2.0: https://www.xtdb.com/v2 Apache Arrow: https://arrow.apache.org/ Talking to dead people with AI: https://futurism.com/ai-dead-woman-talk-people-funeral?utm_source=unknownews As always, feedback and questions are welcomed! You can use this form - https://forms.gle/NmUGeqMtyP6H6mMP9

  • Optimizing Cloud Native by Interviewing KubeCon EU Attendees: Efficiency, AI adoption, WASM, eBPF

    Optimizing Cloud Native by Interviewing KubeCon EU Attendees: Efficiency, AI adoption, WASM, eBPF

    In this episode we do a little retrospective on the last week KubeCon EU 2023 in Amsterdam. We also share and discuss amazing answers from a few quick interviews Bartek performed with epic KubeCon attendees. You won't believe what we learned! Big THANKS to all interviewees for amazing answers: Christina, Harsh, Michael, Jimmy and Raphaël! References: KubeCon EU: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/kubecon-cloudnativecon-europe/ Observability Day: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/kubecon-cloudnativecon-europe/co-located-events/observability-day/ You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLj6h78yzYM2ORxwcjTn4RLAOQOYjvQ2A3 Efficient Go book: https://bwplotka.dev/book/ Mentoring Opportunities (as mentee, but also to mentor): https://github.com/cncf/mentoring WASM: https://webassembly.org/ GitLab AI: https://about.gitlab.com/blog/2023/03/16/what-the-ml-ai/ eBPF: https://ebpf.io/ authzed/spicedb: https://github.com/authzed/spicedb Running DB in browser: https://authzed.com/blog/some-assembly-required OpenTelemetry: https://opentelemetry.io/ As always, feedback and questions are welcomed! You can use this form - https://forms.gle/NmUGeqMtyP6H6mMP9

  • Optimizing SRE Productivity with AI feat. Alex Jones, founder of k8sgpt

    Optimizing SRE Productivity with AI feat. Alex Jones, founder of k8sgpt

    AI is already changing how different industries operate with tools like ChatGPT and Github Copilot. Today we talk about a new tool, k8sgpt, that gives you SRE superpowers using AI. We are joined by its creator, Alex Jones - Director of Kubernetes Engineering at Canonical. We talk about how tools that utilize AI are built, how they change our day to day work, and what the future might hold for AI in the workplace. And as always we cover the news of the week before we dive into the interview. References: Alex Jones - https://twitter.com/AlexJonesax K8sGPT: https://k8sgpt.ai/ Amazon Bedrock: https://aws.amazon.com/bedrock/ Amazon Code Whisperer: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-codewhisperer-free-for-individual-use-is-now-generally-available/ Hacking Cars with CAN injection: https://kentindell.github.io/2023/04/03/can-injection/?utm_source=unknownews Phind, ChatGPT for devs - https://www.phind.com/ OSS Funding via Thanks Dev - https://thanks.dev/home Github Accelerator’s first cohort - https://github.blog/2023-04-12-github-accelerator-our-first-cohort-and-whats-next/ As always, feedback and questions are welcomed! You can use this form - https://forms.gle/NmUGeqMtyP6H6mMP9