Oak Grove Baptist Church

by Oak Grove

Oak Grove Baptist is a growing church in one of the fastest growing communities in the Waco area. We are a community of believers who endeavor to love God and express God's love to others. Our desire is to make a positive impact for Christ on the China Spring community. Visit www.ogbcs.com for more information.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 3

  • 09_01 - The Gospel of Genesis: Needing God’s Favor, Not Fairness - Kody Alvarez - Lead Pastor

    09_01 - The Gospel of Genesis: Needing God’s Favor, Not Fairness - Kody Alvarez - Lead Pastor

    What is True: To receive God’s favor, you must have faith, or you will receive God’s fairness. What We Do: Put your faith in Jesus Christ, and you will receive God’s favor on your life.

  • 08_25 - The Gospel of Genesis: Making Peace with Your Past - Kody Alvarez - Lead Pastor

    08_25 - The Gospel of Genesis: Making Peace with Your Past - Kody Alvarez - Lead Pastor

    Genesis 42 What is True: 1 John 1:6 If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. 7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. What We Do: If you want to make peace with your past, you are going to have to make peace with God and peace with those who have wronged you or those you have wronged.

  • 08_18 - The Gospel of Genesis: Fruitfulness in Affliction - Kody Alvarez - Lead Pastor

    08_18 - The Gospel of Genesis: Fruitfulness in Affliction - Kody Alvarez - Lead Pastor

    Genesis 41 What is True: God uses affliction to prepare us for fruitfulness. What We Do: Don’t despise affliction; instead, trust that God is using it to grow you and prepare you for what is ahead.

  • 08_11 - Forsaken By Men but Remembered by God - Kody Alvarez - Lead Pastor

    08_11 - Forsaken By Men but Remembered by God - Kody Alvarez - Lead Pastor

    Genesis 40 What is True: God knows right where you are and exactly what you need. What to Do: We are to walk by faith and not by sight, so continue to strive after holiness even when the situation seems hopeless.

  • 08_4 - The Gospel of Genesis: God’s Hand of Blessing - Kody Alvarez - Lead Pastor

    08_4 - The Gospel of Genesis: God’s Hand of Blessing - Kody Alvarez - Lead Pastor

    Genesis 39 What is True: God grants success and brings suffering to mold you into the image of Christ. What to Do: Walk in faithfulness and obedience to God, whether you are prospering or experiencing trials, facing slander, and suffering.