No Regretz Marriage

by Johnny & Carla Morton

Do marriage right and it can be as close to heaven on earth as you can get. Do it wrong... let's just say it can be a little warmer. Thirty-eight plus years of marriage, losing our firstborn after successful heart surgery, and just not being ready for all the challenges that marriage brought have given us a passion for helping couples forge a marriage that can flourish in all seasons. Join us as we share our heart, principles f ...   ...  Read more

Podcast episodes

  • Season 3

  • Paradise Lost: The Impact of the Fall on Marriage

    Paradise Lost: The Impact of the Fall on Marriage

    Before the fall of man in nthe garden, Adam & Eve had a perfect relationship with God and each other. Adam & Eve's disobedience broke those relationships. How has that brokenes impacted marriage?

  • Marriage in the Image of God

    Marriage in the Image of God

    Genesis chapter 1 tells us that God created humans in his image. Humans have certain qualities that separate them from the rest of creation because we are created in God's image. How does the fact that we are all created in God's image impact the relationship of marriage? Join us as we discuss that impact.

  • The Why

    The Why

    This week begins a year of podcasts that will coordinate with our couples' devotion al book "From You & Me to We." Each week our podcasts will flow with that week's devotional. This week we talk about the why. Why did we get married? Why did we start No Regretz Marriage. Why did we write the devotional book. These are our whys. What's yours?

  • What Men Want in Marriage

    What Men Want in Marriage

    Last week we talked about what women want in marriage with the acronym C.H.A.S.E. This week we talk about husbands want in a relationship. Using the acronym C.A.S.H. we talk about what men generally express as their greatest needs. Ladies, have you asked your husband what he wants?

  • What Women Want

    What Women Want

    What does a woman want from her husband in marriage? Join us today as we discuss how a husband can C.H.A.S.E. his wife.