How a quest to find solutions for vision loss- turned a clinician into a scientist.

NeURoscience Perspectives by Del Monte Institute for Neuroscience at the University of Rochester

Episode notes

José Alain Sahel is a distinguished professor, eye and ear foundation professor, and chair of the Department of Ophthalmology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. He is also the director of the UPMC Vision Institute. Dr. Sahel is a leading expert in retinal diseases and vision restoration research and is a pioneer in optogenetic vision restoration. This therapeutic technique uses genetically modified cells in the retina to express light-sensitive proteins and could help patients who are blind or visually impaired because of a genetic defect. His research has also helped to develop several other interventions for vision impairment—including stem cell implantation, gene therapy, innovative pharmacologic approaches, and the artificial retina.

Dr. Sahel was the keynote speaker at the

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vision, research, science, blind, retina, France, University of Pittsburgh, Medical Center, genetics, artificial retina, stem cell, optogenetic