Podcast episodes
Season 1
How live carbon tracking and accounting is set to transform business
Ilea Buffier of Evalue8 (https://evalue8.net/) discusses the importance of carbon reporting and how live tracking will transform how businesses will make decisions in future. Ilea describes how local government in Canberra, ACT in Australia is incorporating carbon emissions into their daily operations.
How sustainability impacts on the workplace and employees
What is ESG - and why is it important to my business?
Chris Philips, sustainability expert in Climate Science at University of Exeter and consultant to businesses. Chris describes why ESG is becoming essential to small and medium sized businesses. He describes the 5 "T" of time, tenders, trends, talent and audit trail. These insights will help SME leaders to get to grips with ESG.
Client Insights: Practical Steps to Implementing Sustainability
For Abi Weeds, founder and CEO of Odylique, a natural skincare company, sustainability has been central to her business for many years. The brand has become known for being organic and ethical and is now working with her suppliers and employees to evidence sustainability and become carbon positive.
Pricing for Sustainability - How to Justify a Premium Price for Your Product or Service
Isabelle Drury explains why consumers and businesses are prepared to pay a premium for sustainable products and services. Her research reveals interesting insights that may surprise you - and help you justify charging more for your offering - whilst enhancing your brand. Visit: https://www.isabelledrury.com/