NDBS Rational Investor

by NDB Securities (Pvt) Ltd

Established in 1992, NDB Securities (Pvt) Ltd is one of the leading stockbrokers in Sri Lanka. NDBS is a full member of the Colombo Stock Exchange, and provides a variety of investment advisory-related services on both listed debt and equity securities. 'NDBS Rational Investor Podcast' is a bi-weekly reality check on investments, personal finance management and macroeconomy.

Podcast episodes

  • Investing in Times of High Inflation with Soham Das, CFA

    Investing in Times of High Inflation with Soham Das, CFA

    Roaring inflation is a common theme in 2022. What are the asset allocation strategies an investor can look at in a high inflationary environment? We are delighted to have Soham Das, CFA for our first episode. Soham has 13+ years of experience in capital markets specializing in EM equities, Global Leveraged Funds and Global Macro. He has previously worked in hedge funds, wealth management desks of US & European international banks. Soham mainly invests in Indian equities, and the composite portfolio under his management has returned 38% CAGR over the last 5 years. In the first segment of the episode, we talk about the main topic, and in the second segment, we discuss Soham's favorite book recommendation for an investor and his favorite person from the industry to invite for a dinner party.