Marvel Uk #20: 48 Hourmillion Years

More Than Meets These Guys: A Transformers Podcast by Evan Johns & Ed Strickland

Episode notes

Boo and Evan jump into the ultimate buddy comedy where an Autobot and a Decepticon stop being polite, and start getting real. This is the issue that we start into "we're not all that different" territory with Ravage and Windcharger trying to save the day when all other hope is lost. Also, there's some Chromobots....and Machine Man finishes off the Madame Menace storyline, we hope, as well as the Alpha Flight squad. Planet Terry is kind of enjoyable though!

Also, check out friend of the show Jim's new podcast on Beast Wars with his old pal Mike!

If you'd like to contact the guys, they'd love to hear from you! ... 

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