Finding Calm In The Transition Back To School

Mom Life Handbook—Your Guide to Motherhood, Parenting, Personal Growth, Productivity + Mindfulness by Erin Christopoulos, M.S.Ed. | Teacher, Parenting Expert + Mom Strategist

Episode notes
If you are currently in the process of transitioning back into your school-year routines, listen up this episode is for you because we're talking about the back-to-school stress that's probably thrown you off balance. Plus, I’ve got a set of affirmations aimed at helping you find your footing again. These will be the phrases you come back to time + again when you need to be reminded that you've got this, even when the cereal hits the fan.We’re talking about managing unpredictable schedules, the inevitable mom guilt, and that sense of overwhelm that creeps in. This episode is packed with the perspective you need to shift from stress to a more managed, dare I say, enjoyable back-to-school season. You’ll want to tune in—this one's designed to make your life a whole lot easier.In This Episode:
  • You'll find ways to reduce stress by ... 
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