MixXed In America Explicit

by Damien T Doran

Are you interested in exploring the unique experiences of people who have lived within the gray area of America? Tune into the "MixXed In America" Podcast with host Damien Doran. From discussions on sensitive topics that are often overlooked in mainstream media, to illuminating the struggles and challenges of growing up mixed-race in the US, this show provides a fresh perspective on people, politics, profits, policy, propaganda ...   ...  Read more

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • How We Got Here w Co Creator James Brantley aka F A

    How We Got Here w Co Creator James Brantley aka F A

    In this episode we take a deeper dive into how MixXed In america came to be. James ask questions that he knows will lead the conversation and gives insight as to how we intend to impact the masses by discovering through deep intellectual tough conversation we are all the same on the inside.

  • Power in Co Parenting w Jen Christianson

    Power in Co Parenting w Jen Christianson

    Conversation with one of my friends that has experience high levels of success and leadership. Just so happens to have MixXed boys in the home and Jen gives us a new perspective to help us change a couple gray area narratives we have here in America when it comes to co-parenting,

  • White LIES Matter Ep 10


    White LIES Matter Ep 10


    First of all My apologies to my listeners, I am a day late with this Episode. I Thank you for being you and supporting the cause. This episode i dive into the Kayne controversy. wearing a shirt that reads 'White Lives Matter" . I do my best to remain neutral real and authentic. Thank you for listening,

  • Education or Segregation w Cujo HIPHOP

    Education or Segregation w Cujo HIPHOP

    In depth talk with writer, rapper, and educator about education and the benefits of furthering ones understanding. Pushed through the technical difficulties and was able to salvage a good portion of the conversation.

  • Risk Taker Vs Excuse Maker w/ Tunnell Chocklon

    Risk Taker Vs Excuse Maker w/ Tunnell Chocklon

    On this episode we dive into an in-depth conversation with one of americas greatest professional rugby players. This full time father of 4 precious little girls, surgical nurse, son, brother, friend and mentor to many shares with us his story as a young risk taker, how it brought him success in his later years. Also how easy it is to fall into excuse mode and what he did to adjust his mindset and get things back on track, Join us as we give you and inside look at what it is like being MixXed In America !