
Mitten Marijuana - Ep. 17 Future Episodes/Ideas

Mitten Marijuana by Joe

Episode notes


In this episode, we discuss the ongoing issues with linking our Facebook and Instagram accounts and our frustration with social media algorithms. We also introduce exciting new content plans, including a potential movie commentary series and a smoke sesh for our Patreon members. Join us as we navigate the challenges of content creation and share our latest ideas!


00:00 - Introduction and social media woes

00:34 - Frustrations with Facebook and Instagram linking issues

01:22 - Discussion on social media algorithms and lack of human oversight

01:50 - New content idea: Movie commentary series

02:36 - Planning logistics for movie commentary

03:03 - Upcoming smoke sesh and Patreon exclusive content

03:25 - Memorial Day weekend plans and content scheduling

04:34 - As ... 

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