Hunter Biden's Laptop

Millennial Z and Boomer X by Millennial Z and Boomer X

Episode notes

Hunter Biden’s laptop is only just now coming under any real scrutiny by the mainstream media although it has been an issue of contention or bit of evidence for at least three years. Why is that? Millennial Z and Boomer X talk about all of the potential issues surrounding Hunter Biden’s laptop, and how it came to be an issue in podcast #37.

It truly appears that almost no media outlet for years would say anything regarding the evidence revealed in Hunter Biden’s laptop, and when they did only that the information obtained from the laptop was “Russian disinformation” designed to create chaos or spread rumors regarding the U.S. government. Well, the first thing to always remember is that no politician is the U.S. government. Any elected official only has authority given to the position held by the politician due to a vote by the citizenry wit ... 

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