Mickey is Dying

by Mickey Weems & Donna Blanchard

Medical professionals tell us that our friend Mickey is dying. (But he’s not sweating it.) This podcast is a conversation with Mickey as he candidly shares his journey with surprising positivity, thoughtful insights, and humor. Our goal is to help Mickey help all of us to learn about living while dying.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Peaceful Feeling

    Peaceful Feeling

    Mickey experiences the death of another close friend, though there’s a different emotional dynamic to the loss that raises new questions and presents a surprising sensation of peace.

  • Give it Away

    Give it Away

    Mickey is streamlining possessions, and passing on meaningful items to loved ones in person while he can. What one keeps, shares, and lets go of is explored, along with an idea that some things we’ve cherished can carry a part of us within them. Life lessons on the impermanence of the material world, and the lightness that comes from releasing–not relinquishing–what we’ve collected.

  • Joyful Being

    Joyful Being

    Mickey goes all in for what may be his last Halloween, keeping the party going with medicinal assistance and an evolving intention to become a being of joy.

  • Time of Your Life

    Time of Your Life

    A one-two punch of hypothermia and the loss of a friend finds Mickey in a bout with pneumonia. True to form, he pushes on in support of the community and the causes he champions. An opportunity to broadcast his love of music with the help of talented friends underscores how Mickey’s making the most out of his compressed calendar, and this interesting stage of life.

  • A Better Man

    A Better Man

    Mickey mourns the sudden and mysterious passing of his friend, a former fellow beach lifeguard and courageous Air Force Pararescueman who embodied the motto "that others might live." An intimate look at what it means to grieve while facing one's own mortality.