Men Touring

by Shannon Comery Sr.

Men Touring podcast will address the Importance of Utilizing Relationships to establish our Steps towards Great Accomplishments.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Lord Do you still Hear Me?

    Lord Do you still Hear Me?

    Often times many of us lose confidence in our Prayer life because of this one question, Lord do you still Hear Me? This Podcast was recorded to re-assure the Listener that we don't serve a Deaf God. Tap into this Real Time Word.

  • What's Funding your Mental?

    What's Funding your Mental?

    Mental Health produces Mental Wealth and what we are using to Fund our Mental is important. Listen into 5 Principles that will help you understand the importance of using the correct funding.



    When walking by Faith you are not bound to a specific Season or Situation but by F.A.I.T.H. you are a Free Agent In THe Spirit. Find out what keeps you Free by tapping into this Word.

  • Saturday Talk "Where are the Fathers"

    Saturday Talk "Where are the Fathers"

    Fathers lay down strong foundations for Sons to be built on and they unlock the Future of their Sons.

  • "Redirection"


    Redirection is the action of assigning or directing something or someone to a New or different Place of Purpose. God redirects us when we are going the Long Way, the Wrong Way and a Way that seems Good but may not be God! Listen In..........