Meltemi - La Piccioletta Barca podcast by La Piccioletta Barca

Episode notes

Welcome to the first episode of ‘Seafarers’ a series organised for Meltemi Podcast, the official podcast for La Piccioletta Barca magazine.

In today’s episode we will be discussing Clarice Lispector’s book Água Viva. Novelist, short story writer and journalist, Clarice Lispector was born in western Ukraine to a Jewish family who fled to Brazil to escape anti-Semitic violence. She went on to become a journalist, study law and spent much of her adult life writing as she lived around the world with her husband who worked for the foreign service. She returned to Brazil in 1959, and lived in Rio until her death in 1977.

Lispector’s writing style is characterized by a blend of poetry and prose. Her texts tend to be concerned with a moment of rupture in an otherwise orderly-life that causes a spiritual crisis within the protagonist, ... 

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