Jacie Alook

The Measuring what Matters Podcast by Marshal McCallum

Episode notes

Join Marshal McCallum and Jacie Alook in the third episode of the Measuring What Matters series. Jacie is a nehiyaw iskwew (Cree woman) from Treaty 8 territory, member of the Bigstone Cree Nation. Her family originates from Wabasca, Alberta. Currently Jacie works to support collaboration at the local, municipal, and national level, as the Community Engagement & Partnership Coordinator, leading the Calgary Indigenous Sharing Network, with the non-profit, non-political Indigenous service organization, Native Counselling Services of Alberta. Her involvement with community is rooted in desire to create and deepen relationships for unity, wellness, and sense of belonging. Her two greatest teachers, are her daughters, instilling curiosity for life.

wellbeingeducationalsustainabilityinterviewsocial innovationcommunityprosperitycalgary