Episode #9 - Making Decisions to Create Motivation & Lasting Changes

Living Life with Cancer by Heather Meyer

Episode notes

In this episode we are talking about making decisions from a place of power. Our brains LOVE to indulge in indecision. Because sometimes we CHOOSE to indulge in confusion - because it feels safer than taking action. Your brain says that it takes less effort to stay stuck than it does to make a simple decision that will alter your reality.

And every single reason your brain tells you is the THING that keeps you stuck.

Your key takeaways are:

  1. Making decisions from a place of power - because unmade decisions are the things keeping you stuck. These decisions are the ones that matter and will help you create sustainable and lasting changes.
  2. Pre planning - make your life easier by making decisions ahead of time while focusing on how you want to feel. When you pre-plan you will reduce decision fatigue and increase your en ... 
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