Lion Opinions

by Turing S.

This Podcast aims to share ideas about society's hot topics, movies, music, books, and even intriguing daily stories. Enjoy the journey. Welcome to email or follow me on social media to share your thoughts. 📧 |

Podcast episodes

  • Season 2

  • Tips to get your energy back

    Tips to get your energy back

    Based on scientific research, someone finally found the secrets about our rest...

  • What makes human race shine in a Dark Forest?

    What makes human race shine in a Dark Forest?

    Have you thought of the Universe? Do you have imagined alien friends? What does their civilisation look like? What is the truth of the Universe? Let's enjoy a trilogy and find out.

  • What AI is leading us to?

    What AI is leading us to?

    Are you aware of AI? What do you know about the history of AI development? What is the reality about AI nowadays? Let's find out together!

  • Pre-Episode


    Hello, I am back!

  • Season 1

  • The top 5 books that I recommend in the first half of 2021.

    The top 5 books that I recommend in the first half of 2021.

    These two years are challenging, but also an excellent time for reading. Reading a great book is like communicating with a sage. After reviewing the books I read, I choose five of them to share with you. Hopefully, they will light your life as they did to mine.