Life Between The Young Eye

by Sydney White

The adversity and obstacles that the youth are challenged with based on expectations, materialism, and the shift of the economy.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 2

  • AI and Education

    AI and Education

    While AI offers certain benefits in the educational sector, the drawbacks, specifically in terms of personal interaction and critical thinking are too substantial to ignore. We simply cannot replace the human element with this advanced technology. I am not opposed to AI, but we need to deal with this from an ethical consideration point of view.

  • Season 1

  • Questions To Ask Yourself In 2024

    Questions To Ask Yourself In 2024

    As we leave 2023 behind, it is best to reflect on the both good and bad. For some, it might've not went the way that we wanted to, For others, it was probably the best year yet. Regardless, we can learn, accept, and grow from the lessons that were given.

  • Why Is Fashion Important Amongst The Youth

    Why Is Fashion Important Amongst The Youth

    Being confident in your in your own body is what every human on this planet strives for. Whether it's about our physique or the way we carry ourselves, we are attention seekers. That is where clothing comes in. Clothing plays a huge part of how we want the world to perceive us. Not only that, but it is what makes us feel secure to be unapologetically true to ourselves.

  • Skills We Can Teach The Older Generation

    Skills We Can Teach The Older Generation

    As the world transitions at a fast pace, it can be challenging to prevail. Especially for our older generation. With technology getting more advanced by the year, the lifestyle for an older person becomes a huge hassle. However, there are skills that us younger people are able to help and teach the elder to be more sufficient during these times.

  • The Cost Of Living For Young Adults

    The Cost Of Living For Young Adults

    As we know, inflation, demand costs, minimum wage pay, etc has a major impact on everyone. However, young adults are having to deal with this a little different. Due to the fact of high rent, school tuition, student loans, and even groceries, is very much challenging especially when trying to start "adulthood". Solving these problems won't come easy, but nothing will change, unless we take an act.