
How to Thrive with Adult ADHD

The Empowered Consciousness Collective Podcast with Riley Murtha by Riley Murtha

Episode notes

This one is for my fellow neurodivergent friends - and honestly, even if you don't have ADHD this episode will be valuable - whether that be in supporting yourself, or understanding the loved ones in your life who may operate differently than you do. In this episode I share my story of being diagnosed with ADHD twice - initially in high school and again last year as well my top tips for supporting yourself and setting yourself up for success as an adult-ADHDer. Being neurodivergent doesn't mean you're wrong or broken - it just means your needs are different and it requires some TLC to learn how to support ourselves in this crazy world. My intention is to provide my own personal experience as an ADHD entrepreneur in hopes that there will be nuggets within that help you to empower yourself!

Connect with me on Instagram at @rileymurthaa ... 

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self helpwellnessmental healthmicrodosingmindsethealing journeyproductivitytime managementadhdentrepreneurshipburn outselfhelpempowermentpsychology