GBC Distinctives- Multiplication Is The Vision

Life Together by Gresham Bible Church

Episode notes

Pastor Mike and Jordan continue our podcast series on the distinctives of GBC. These are further conversations on the sermon series we did in summer 2023 ( This is our eighth distinctive which reads:

Our vision isn't to grow big but wide. We aim to be a mid-sized church with one worship service not because we think small is better, but because of the nature of the mission Jesus has commissioned us with. Our leaders are committed to reproducing themselves and our missional aim is to raise up leaders of all kinds, plant churches everywhere, and send out foreign missionaries to bring the gospel to the unengaged and unreached peo ... 

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gresham bible churchmike dahlgospelfellowshipunitylife togetherworldviewsevangelismdiscipleshipjordan bradleyworshipdistinctives