Life by Divine

by Sue Dumais

How do we navigate this SHIFT that is occurring on our planet? How can we meet the fear, judgment, hatred, anger, and violence - without fighting against it and adding more fear? Join Sue Dumais each week as she shares unique perspectives and radical ideas to navigate this global SHIFT. Life by Divine offers raw, open and honest conversations with global visionaries, conscious souls and other voices of HOPE and inspiration – ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • Episode 100: Discover Your Path of Sustainable Inner Peace

    Episode 100: Discover Your Path of Sustainable Inner Peace

    Is sustainable inner peace really possible especially in the face of outer chaos? Heart YES it is! Join Global Impact Visionary Leader, Ordained Minister and gifted Intuitive Healer Sue Dumais as she shares some powerful insights to help you discover your path for sustainable inner peace. Free yourself from fear, renew your mind and open your heart as you learn how to nurture, sustain and embody an unshakeable foundation of peace within your body, mind and soul. To learn more about Sue and her heart centered offerings visit

  • Episode 99: 3 Signs Your Soul Assignments Have Changed

    Episode 99: 3 Signs Your Soul Assignments Have Changed

    Do you know what your soul assignment is? Do you feel clear about what you are meant to be doing in this world? Has you sense of purpose or passion for your heartwork shifted recently? Join Global Impact Visionary Leader, Ordained Minister and gifted Intuitive Healer Sue Dumais and learn how to identify your soul assignments in relationship to living with purpose and passion as well as how to discern when your soul’s assignment has changed.

  • Episode 98: Healing the Shadow Side of Spirituality

    Episode 98: Healing the Shadow Side of Spirituality

    We can’t fully embody our light without shining light on our darkness. The challenge is the shadow side of the ego is very clever, cunning and hidden especially when it highjacks our Spirituality and the language of love and Divine service. Join Global Impact Visionary Leader, Ordained Minister and gifted Intuitive Healer Sue Dumais and learn all about the shadow side of Spirituality, ego highjacking and spiritual bypassing. Feel empowered as you learn how to discern, own and heal our shadow side individually and collectively.

  • Episode 97: How to Keep Your Head and Heart in Sync

    Episode 97: How to Keep Your Head and Heart in Sync

    When your head and heart are out of sync you will experience resistance and feel out of alignment. Resistance is the gap between what your mind thinks and what your heart knows. The further away your mind is from your heart’s Truth, the bigger the gap and the greater the resistance. Join Global Impact Visionary Leader, Ordained Minister and gifted Intuitive Healer Sue Dumais and learn how to discern whether your head and heart are in sync and what you can do to keep yourself in Divine alignment as you lead with your heart with confidence, clarity and certainty.

  • Episode 96: Denying Your Ego Will Empower Your Ego

    Episode 96: Denying Your Ego Will Empower Your Ego

    The ego is not the enemy. If we deny our ego, we empower our ego. This feeds our fears, keep us playing small and afraid to take risks. Join Global Impact Visionary Leader, Ordained Minister and gifted Intuitive Healer Sue Dumais as she provides an understanding of the purpose the ego serves in our human experience and how it evolves to protect us, to keep us safe and playing small. Learn how to embrace your ego, freeing you to lead with your heart and embody your Divinity. It is time to rise up, shine your brightest as you say YES to play the role you are meant to play at this time.