The Movement to a Level Playing Field (Part 1) - featuring David L. Crane

Liberty Under Law by The Robert H. Jackson Center

Episode notes
This podcast is drawn from a multi-part program the Center hosted on October 12, 2022 entitled The Movement to a Level Playing Field. This first installment features David L. Crane speaking about how the ephemera of the Civil Rights Movement contributed to the non-violent protests and the advancement of civil liberties. David L. Crane, the founder and curator of Making the Movement: Civil Rights Museum. Making the Movement is an exhibit that explores the use of non-violent weapons to combat Jim Crow and made its debut at the Jackson Center in 2013. Crane is a history instructor at Alamance Community College in North Carolina and is the author of Making the Movement: How Activists Fought for Civil Rights with Buttons, Flyers, Pins, and Posters.To see the video of this presentation, please visit the Jackson Center's YouTube Channel at  ...  Read more
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